R-Studio loading libraries

We build R libraries for some packages in R v4.2.1, you can simply load this on your R-Studio/R on jubail.

Launch Rstudio on HPC OOD GUI environment or you can load the R environment on your command line in jubail as follows. Note:- If you install R on a different version, there will be some conflits. We recommend to stay in R v4.2.1

To load in jubail in CLI ( Command Line Interface ) .. code:: bash

module load gencore/1 module load Miniconda3/4.7.10 source activate /scratch/gencore/conda3/envs/RStudio


R toolkit for single cell genomics.

b) 5.0.0


To verify the library path is set or not using


b) 4.2.0


To verify the library path is set or not using


c) 3.2.3


To verify the library path is set or not using


d) 2.3.0


To verify the library path is set or not using



R toolkit for single-cell RNA-Seq analysis.

a) 2.26.0


To verify the library path is set or not using



R toolkit for duplication rates in RNA-Seq datasets.

a) 1.28.0


To verify the library path is set or not using
